Saffron is heralded for the intense yellow colour it imparts to dishes and the complexity of flavour it lends. Throughout history, the spice has evoked a reputation of affluence and elegance. Luckily, a tiny bit goes a long way. Saffron comes from the dried bright orange-red stigmas of the flower Crocus sativus. This delicate flower cannot survive in the wild and cannot survive without human care. The flower only blooms in the morning. Each flower is meticulously propagated and harvested by hand. Approximately 150 flowers are needed to make 1 gram of dried saffron. The more careful the cultivation, the higher the price.
Saffron funds are likewise meticulously cared for. The efforts of a highly skilled and dedicated investment team combined with robust operational and risk management processes make for investment strategies of unique performance.
It is Saffron’s mission to manage our investors’ hard-earned wealth with the same skill, care and purpose we observe in the harvesting and production of the spice.
Saffron is a Category IIA FSP registered with the Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) and has been in existence since 2007. Saffron manages both its own branded funds as well as outsourced funds from large financial institutions, including insurance companies and other asset managers.
Located in Stellenbosch, South Africa, Saffron manages assets across a diversified set of investment strategies across all the major asset classes within South Africa and offshore in hard currencies. Saffron operates four South African unit trusts, the Saffron BCI Opportunity Income Fund, the Saffron BCI Active Bond Fund, the Saffron BCI Flexible Fund, and a hedge fund, the Saffron Prescient Qualified Hedge Fund One. Saffron also manages the Saffron Global Enhanced Income Fund in Ireland (Republic).
The portfolio managers are Brandon Quinn and Anina Swiegers. Brandon headed the Hybrid & Structured Investment area at Metropolitan / Momentum Asset Managers before founding Saffron Wealth. Brandon specialises in multi-asset class investment strategies and holds a BCom, CFA. Anina co-manages the fixed-income funds and holds a BCom (Hons), CFA. Both Brandon and Anina are supported by quantitative and fundamental analysts and comprehensive cash management, risk management and compliance functions.
Category IIA FSP license issued
July 2008
Saffron SCI Opportunity Income Fund launched
Company bought by current shareholders and renamed Saffron Wealth
June 2012
Saffron SCI Large Cap Fund and Saffron SCI Active Bond Fund launched
March 2014
Knights of Malta Saffron African Yield Opportunity Fund launched
Saffron SCI Opportunity Income Fund awarded Raging Bull Award for best risk-adjusted returns over three years in the Multi-Asset Category
December 2017
Saffron Wealth completed its move of management company from Metropolitan Collective Investments (METCI) to Sanlam Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“SCI”)
June 2019
Saffron SCI Qualified Hedge Fund One launched
January 2022
Saffron SCI* Active Bond Fund awarded Raging Bull certificate for best straight performance over three years in South African multi-asset income fund category.
March 2022
Saffron Wealth completed its move of management company from Sanlam Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“SCI”) to Boutique Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“BCI”)
October 2022
Saffron Wealth launched the Saffron Global Enhanced Income Fund a sub-fund of Prescient Global Funds
March 2024
The Saffron BCI Active Bond Fund awarded ‘Best South African Interest-Bearing Variable-Term Fund’ and ‘Best South African Interest-Bearing Variable-Term Fund on a Risk-Adjusted Basis’ at the Raging Bull Awards.